TOEFL iBT vs TOEFL Essentials – Choosing the Right Test for You!

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is a highly respected and universally acknowledged standardized examination when it comes to demonstrating your proficiency in the English language for academic or professional pursuits. Nevertheless, there are two primary variations within the TOEFL framework: the TOEFL iBT (Internet-Based Test) and the TOEFL Essentials. Let’s delve into the fundamental distinctions between these two assessments through this blog post.

TOEFL iBT vs TOEFL Essentials

TOEFL iBT: The Traditional Choice

TOEFL iBT has been the standardized test for English language proficiency for many years. Here are some key features of TOEFL iBT:

  • Test Format: The TOEFL iBT is conducted online and it consists of four sections – Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing.
  • Duration: The TOEFL iBT takes around 3 hours to complete.
  • Scoring: TOEFL iBT is scored on a scale of 0 to 120, with 30 points allocated to each of the four sections.
  • Availability: TOEFL iBT is widely available worldwide, with several test centers offering it.
  • Academic Focus: TOEFL iBT is ideal for students who plan to study in English-speaking countries, as it is widely accepted by academic institutions worldwide.

TOEFL Essentials: A New Option

TOEFL Essentials is a recent addition to the TOEFL family which is particularly designed to cater to a broader audience. Here are a few key characteristics of this new test:

  • Test Format: The TOEFL Essentials is internet-based too, however, it only includes two sections: Reading and Listening.
  • Duration: The TOEFL Essentials is shorter than TOEFL iBT, taking approximately 1.5 hours to complete.
  • Scoring: The total score is based on a scale of 0 to 180, with both sections contributing equally.
  • Availability: Though TOEFL Essentials is currently available in selective regions it is gradually expanding its reach.
  • Versatility: The new TOEFL is designed for a wider range of purposes which includes university admissions, scholarship application, and work opportunities.

Choosing Between TOEFL iBT and TOEFL Essentials

Let’s have a look at the key differences between TOEFL iBT and TOEFL Essentials to help you choose the one right for you.

  • If your main objective is securing admission to an English-speaking university, the TOEFL iBT is the established choice. Conversely, if you seek to demonstrate your English proficiency for purposes like job applications or scholarships, the TOEFL Essentials test can be a suitable option.
  • When it comes to test duration, take into account your available time. TOEFL iBT is a lengthier test, so if you’re constrained by time, TOEFL Essentials may be the more appropriate choice.
  • Test availability is a crucial factor; ensure that TOEFL Essentials is accessible in your region or at a nearby test centre. The availability of these tests can impact your decision.

To make an informed decision, examine the score prerequisites of the institutions or organizations you intend to apply to. Certain establishments may favour TOEFL iBT scores, whereas others will admit TOEFL Essentials results.


Which one is better, TOEFL iBT or Essentials?

The choice between TOEFL iBT (Internet-based Test) and TOEFL Essentials depends on specific needs. If you’re a student, planning to take the test for academic purposes then TOEFL iBT is the ideal test for you. Whereas, TOEFL Essentials caters to broader language needs, focusing on everyday communication and general proficiency.

What’s the difference between TOEFL iBT and TOEFL Essentials?

TOEFL iBT (Internet-based Test) and TOEFL Essentials differ in their scope and focus. iBT is a comprehensive exam widely accepted for academic purposes, assessing reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills in an academic context. It’s favored for university admissions, especially in the United States. On the other hand, TOEFL Essentials is designed for broader language needs, emphasizing everyday communication and general proficiency in English, catering to a wider audience beyond academic settings.

Is TOEFL Essentials accepted?

TOEFL Essentials is recognized and accepted by various institutions and organizations worldwide, yet its acceptance might vary depending on specific requirements. It’s designed to assess general English proficiency for a broader audience beyond academic settings. While it might not be as commonly required for university admissions as TOEFL iBT, it’s acknowledged by some universities, employers, and institutions seeking a more general evaluation of English language skills for purposes outside strict academic contexts.

Who should take TOEFL Essentials?

TOEFL Essentials is ideal for individuals seeking an assessment of their overall English language proficiency for purposes beyond academic admissions. It caters to a diverse audience, including those pursuing general language improvement, employment opportunities, visa applications, or personal development. This test is suitable for individuals who want to gauge their English skills in real-life situations, emphasizing everyday communication and practical language use rather than academic-specific contexts.

Which test to choose: TOEFL iBT or Essentials?

Choosing between TOEFL iBT and Essentials depends on your specific goals and requirements. Opt for TOEFL iBT if you’re aiming for academic pursuits, especially for university admissions in the United States, as it assesses skills in reading, listening, speaking, and writing within an academic context. On the other hand, select TOEFL Essentials if you seek a more general evaluation of English proficiency, relevant for purposes beyond academia such as employment, visa applications, or everyday communication.

Do universities accept TOEFL Essentials?

TOEFL Essentials is recognized and accepted by various institutions, including some universities, as a measure of general English proficiency. While it might not be as commonly required for admissions as TOEFL iBT, some universities and colleges do acknowledge Essentials scores for evaluating English language skills, particularly for programs that don’t necessitate the academic-specific assessment provided by TOEFL iBT. However, acceptance policies can vary among institutions, so it’s advisable to verify specific requirements with the university you’re applying to.

Which TOEFL is accepted in universities?

TOEFL iBT (Internet-based Test) is widely accepted by universities globally for assessing English language proficiency among international applicants. This comprehensive test evaluates reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills in an academic context, making it a preferred choice for admissions into undergraduate and graduate programs, particularly in English-speaking countries like the United States, Canada, the UK, and Australia. Its widespread recognition and alignment with academic requirements make TOEFL iBT the preferred choice for university admissions.


To summarize, which TOEFL test is best for you depends on your specific goals, time constraints, and regional availability. In terms of assessing English proficiency, both tests are valid, but they cater to slightly different needs. If you plan to apply to a particular institution or organization, ensure that you research its requirements first, and make an informed decision based on your circumstances. The success on either test will open doors to new opportunities in your academic and professional lives.

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